洞察力 2024年6月17日


Collecting emissions data is the first vital step of carbon reporting, but how can you turn that data into a robust 脱碳 strategy?

As climate change intensifies and emissions regulations continue to evolve, carbon reporting has become mandatory for more and more organisations. 但这并不完全是合规的问题. The data you collect for your reporting activities can also create an ideal springboard to drive the 脱碳 strategy in your organisation.

在这篇博客中,我们将探讨如何构建一个 稳健的脱碳路线图 ——并超越碳报告,采取有价值的脱碳行动.


记住这一点很重要 emissions regulations aren’t designed to trip you up – they’re designed to help you decarbonise. 然而, 立法是复杂的, 不断变化的, and full of nuance – so knowing what data you need to collect and disclose can be daunting.

排放数据分为三类:范围1、2和3. Scope 1 emissions come directly from sources you own or control – like your logistics fleet. Scope 2 are indirect emissions from the 能源 you use in your facilities. And scope 3 are indirect emissions from external sources – such as suppliers.

By digging into how much each area of your organisation contributes to your emissions, 你可以理解你的 碳足迹. 如果你能理解的话, you can start to identify the actions that will have the biggest impact on reducing it.

例如, 你可能有一大批车辆需要加油, 或者你生产一种需要大量气体的产品. The data you collect during carbon accounting and reporting can be the perfect tool to help you understand emissions from your individual processes.


把所有数据放在一个地方是一回事, but you also need the skills and knowledge to analyse and use that data in a meaningful way.

The best way to do this is to establish a dedicated team with the right knowledge and training to make sense of your data and see patterns in the noise.

It’s not just about understanding emissions and what areas you need to address, though. You also need the skills and experience to implement the measures that result in meaningful change, 这需要设计和工程专业知识, 对建筑环境的了解, 以及对可用解决方案的理解.

创建或 外包这些专业技能 必须与组织内更广泛的改进携手并进. 最好的结果来自于每个人朝着同一个方向努力. 简单的改变, 比如离开房间的时候关灯, may feel like nothing – but when they’re embraced by every member of your organisation, 这些因素加起来会产生巨大的影响. That’s why education around sustainability and 脱碳 is so important.


记住这一点很重要 脱碳 不是一次性的努力. You don’t implement measures, reach net zero and pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Reducing your emissions is a continuous process that needs constant evaluation. Every time you reach a new emissions milestone in your organisation, 这将成为您保持流程继续进行的新基准.

And, as well as looking at the big picture, you need to keep a close eye on the day to day. Making sure you have real-time or very regular data for your utilities means you can easily monitor any changes in your usage. 有了这些信息, you can also easily assess the impact of the solutions you’ve put in place and quickly investigate and remedy discrepancies.

实现这一点的一个好方法是使用澳博国际官网报告, where you can set parameters for the usage you’d expect to see and get notified of any anomalies outside of those parameters.


At Mitie, we tailor our 脱碳 support to your organisation’s specific needs.

一切都从你的底线开始, which we’ll help you to understand with a combination of sensor 科技nology and data gathering expertise that provides a detailed picture of emissions across your entire estate. Our experts then help you to understand your data to find the most impactful 脱碳 initiatives for your organisation, with everything from living walls and solar panels to sustainable waste management and EV infrastructure.

我们提供真正的端到端澳博官方网站 脱碳核算、报告和减排. 这包括年度和年度报告的自动化, and valuable insight into 脱碳 initiatives that will accelerate your net zero journey.

Discover our Emissions Intelligence service to take the next step on your net zero journey with confidence. 向Mitie专家咨询 to discover how we can help you turn your carbon reporting data into a meaningful 脱碳 strategy.

